::back to table of contents:: Prospects of Using m-Technologies for Disaster Information Management in Bangladesh and other LDCs
link to pdf document Chowdhury G. Hossan, Mridul Chowdhury, Ibrahim Kushchu
full paper Abstract: This paper explores the prospects of using wireless mobile technologies for disaster information management in Bangladesh. The basic objective of the paper is to give specific recommendations to relevant stakeholders, such as the government and the mobile phone service providers, as to how mobile technologies may be used effectively before, during and after a disaster. The first section of the paper gives an overview of the nature of the natural disasters that affect Bangladesh almost every year in varying degrees of intensity. The second section identifies some of the information and communication gaps before and after a disaster that make disaster management more challenging and somewhat ineffective. The third section introduces some of the relevant mobile technologies that may be used in Bangladesh and other similar LDCs. The fourth section establishes how these mobile technologies may be effectively used to address the information and communication gaps. The concluding section gives some specific recommendations and suggestions for the relevant stakeholders.
  Keywords: mobile, wireless, m-Government, LDC, Bangladesh, disaster, flood, cyclone, SMS, mobile Internet, 2G.